Here are some more advanced recipes that demonstrate how to combine multiple CLI commands or employ the CLI with other common utilities to achieve powerful results. For documentation on how to use individual commands, see instead the examples page.
Most of these examples rely on simple patterns, such as:
flag makes most CLI commands return raw IDs which can be fed into other CLI commandslist
command (maybe with some filters applied) and pipe the output to downstream steps via a program like xargs
Code snippets are given for bash shells and should work on UNIXes including OS X.
Dummy values are shown in angled brackets and should be filled in by the user before running (e.g. <id>
eval $(bs config load default) &&
curl -sS --fail $BASESPACE_API_SERVER/v2/<unsupportedApiPath> -H x-access-token:$BASESPACE_ACCESS_TOKEN
curl -s $(bs link file -i <fileId>) | head
# generate demo manifest CSV file
cat <<EOF > manifest.csv
Biosample Name,Analysis Workflow,Default Project
# note expected column order
while IFS=, read -r biosample workflow project; do
bs create biosample -n ${biosample} --analysis-workflow ${workflow} -p ${project}
done < <(tail -n+5 manifest.csv)
bs await appsession <id> --terse | xargs -I@ bs download dataset -i @ -o @
RUNID=123456; eval $(bs config load default) &&
curl --fail -Ss $BASESPACE_API_SERVER/v2/runs/$RUNID/laneindexsummaries?Limit=1000 -H x-access-token:$BASESPACE_ACCESS_TOKEN |
jq -r ".Items[] | .IndexingCounts[] | [ .Id, .BioSample.BioSampleName, .Library.Name, .Index1, .Index2, .FractionMapped ] | @tsv"
# produces:
# 1 BiosampleName1 LibraryName CCGCGGTT CTAGCGCT 4.9185
# 2 BiosampleName2 LibraryName AGTTCAGG TCTGTTGG 3.6086
# 3 BiosampleName3 LibraryName TAATACAG GTGAATAT 3.7074
# ...
HTTP_PROXY=http://user:password@host:port/ bs whoami
bs list datasets --older-than 1y --terse | xargs -n1 bs delete dataset --preserve-metadata -i
bs list projects --filter-field TotalSize --filter-term '^0' --terse | xargs -n1 bs delete project -i
bs config list --template '{{.Name}}' | xargs -n1 bs whoami -c
logFileID=$(eval $(bs config load default) &&
curl -sS --fail -H x-access-token:$BASESPACE_ACCESS_TOKEN \
$BASESPACE_API_SERVER/v2/appsessions/<appSessionId>/logfiles?Limit=500 |
jq '.Items[] | select(.Path == "") | .Id')
bs download file -i $logFileID -o output
bs launch application -n "DRAGEN Germline" --app-version 3.3.7 \
-o project-id:$(bs get project -n "my-project" --terse) \
-o input_list.sample-id:$(bs get biosample -n "my-biosample" --terse)
eval $(bs load config default) && bs list appsessions --exec-status Complete --terse |
xargs -I@ curl -Ss --fail $BASESPACE_API_SERVER/v2/appsessions/@ -H x-access-token:$BASESPACE_ACCESS_TOKEN |
jq -r '[ .Id, .Application.Name, .DateCreated, .DateCompleted, .RunningDuration, .ComputeStatistics.Amount // 0 ] | @csv'
# "160166245","Dragen Joint Genotyping Pipeline","2019-02-11T15:09:14.0000000Z","2019-02-11T15:23:35.0000000Z",661,1
# "159005555","Dragen Joint Genotyping Pipeline","2019-02-08T14:52:40.0000000Z","2019-02-08T15:07:33.0000000Z",610,1
# "173213225","DRAGEN Germline Pipeline","2019-04-09T10:59:57.0000000Z","2019-04-09T12:21:53.0000000Z",4586,7
# "159006521","DRAGEN Germline Pipeline","2019-02-08T10:39:23.0000000Z","2019-02-08T14:07:09.0000000Z",11989,34
# ...
# get available options for reference setting
references=$(bs launch application -n "${APP_NAME}" --app-version "${VERSION}" --list -f json |
jq -r 'map(select(.Option | contains("ht-ref")))[0].Choices[:-1][]')
# iterate over options, launch an appsession for each
for reference in $references; do
bs launch application -n "${APP_NAME}" --app-version "${VERSION}" \
-o sample-id:123456 -o project-id:1234567 -o reference:"${reference}"
bs await appsession <appsessionID>; echo -ne "\a"